Refund Policy

Refund Policy

At Carezny, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with our services. However, it's essential to understand our refund policy regarding your transactions:

  1. No Refunds: Please note that all sales made through Carezny are final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges for any products or services purchased on our platform.
  2. As-Is Condition: All vehicles or services offered on our platform are sold or provided on an "as-is" basis. We encourage our users to carefully review all details, descriptions, and conditions before making a purchase or engaging with our services.
  3. Exceptions: In rare circumstances, exceptions to this policy may be considered only if there is a proven case of misrepresentation or gross discrepancy between the advertised information and the delivered product or service. Such cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  4. Contact Us: If you believe you have a valid reason for a refund based on the exceptional circumstances mentioned above, please contact our customer support team at We will assess your situation and respond promptly.
  5. Policy Updates: Carezny reserves the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the policy will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.